
Our goal is to provide education to the public and practitioners about the long term impacts of poor oral health, lifestyle and underdeveloped jaws and how they affect future well being.

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Only Available From A Practitioner

MYO Munchee BEBE

6 months - 18 months
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IMPORTANT: Myo Munchee Bebe is only available to be purchased from a practitioner. Consult a professional to ensure optimal oral health outcomes

Click here to find a munchee certified practitioner

0-6 weeks

There are many reflexive movements that are occurring in the first 6 weeks of life. These reflexes are known as "Neonatal" or "Primitive Reflexes" and are survival responses that are keeping the baby safe during this early development phase. Suck- swallow- breathe movements are controlled by these reflexive actions.

It is not just the breastmilk itself that has profound benefits but the mode of delivery.

Breastfeeding is a functional movement and activates the growth centres for jaw and facial muscles and bones.

It is a complex synchrony of nerve information that co-ordinates over 26 pairs of muscles- all controlled by reflexive activity from the brain.

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6 weeks +

  • Baby can now hold their head up.
  • Smiling and cooing and tongue coming forwards out of their mouth.
  • Baby is starting to bring their hands to their mouth - this is an important part of their oral development.
  • Baby should have lips together at rest and be breathing through their nose
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3 + months

  • Tummy time is an essential movement for early jaw growth and function- gravity assists with the forwards growth of the jaw, as well as development of shoulder and neck strength and stability.
  • The tongue will be coming out past the lips at times as it develops more strength and movement.
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4 + months

Giving them plenty of objects of different sizes, shapes and textures is important so that they have plenty of oral sensory information feeding back to their brain.

They are stimulating and activating the chew responses and developing new ways to use their tongue muscles. It is important to minimise pacifier use, as this limits the amount of activity of the tongue muscles and will have an impact on the way the shape of the jaws will develop.

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If using a pacifier make sure you remove it from babies mouth once the baby is settled and asleep. This is to limit the amount of time the baby is sucking on the pacifier.

By around 10 weeks of age the sucking reflex will have integrated and this is a good time to stop using the pacifier

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6-8 months

  • Teething will often start around this time with the eruption of the 2 bottom teeth first followed by the 2 top teeth.
  • This will define the front boundary of the jaw and the tongue will now stay inside this defined edge.
  • Over the next few months more front teeth will come in to further define this boundary.
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Solid food plays a crucial role in a child's jaw development

As the baby teeth start to erupt the child starts to develop their oral awareness and connection to chewing. As these tiny teeth cut through the gum, the trigeminal nerve senses pressure and touch via the periodontal ligament. These sensations are fed back to the brain about the position of the lower jaw Read More

12 + months

By this age your baby should be eating a wide variety of foods with different textures, sizes and shapes.

  • Wholefoods are essential so that they get the full sensory experience from eating- the feel, smell, taste is all part of the experience.
  • One third of all sensory information that is being relayed to the brain is coming from the mouth as there are a lot of sensors in the lips, face and tongue.
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18 months

  • Toddlers should be able to chew with mouth closed and nose breathe.
  • Make sure they are contained and seated (in age-appropriate chairs) while eating and encourage them not to over fill their mouth or talk while eating.
  • By age 2 years they will have their 2-year-old molars and will be capable of the more complex rotary chewing actions.
  • We can now see how the jaws are coming together (occlusion).

Red flags and signs of dysfunction

  • Dribbling/Drooling
  • Ear Infections
  • Enlarged Adenoids and Tonsils
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Continued dummy/pacifier use
  • Thumb or digit sucking (past the age of 2 years)
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If you or your child are dealing with any of the above, it may be helpful to be assessed by a practitioner, to see if a Myo Munchee is right for you.

Why has chewing been outsourced?

In the last hundred years, the western industrialised lifestyle—with its soft foods, reduced nutritional diversity, and rapidly decreasing range of exercise— has essentially removed natural cues for healthy oral development. Chewing, swallowing and movement has been outsourced...until now!

It is important to transition from sucking to chewing around 4-6 months of age

The Myo Munchee is a small chewing device made of soft, medical grade silicone. Shaped like a mouthguard, with a handle attached, the mouthpiece is soft, but durable, with lots of silicone prongs, which massage the teeth and gums.

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Only Available From A Practitioner

MYO Munchee BEBE

6 months - 18 months
Find a Practitioner

IMPORTANT: Myo Munchee Bebe is only available to be purchased from a practitioner. Consult a professional to ensure optimal oral health outcomes

Click here to find a munchee certified practitioner

Nothing really that people have told me to do has really worked, and I’ve been really surprised at how well this has actually worked for us. It’s definitely been the best thing that I’ve ever put in his mouth, for sure.

Rebecca & Braydon

I realised for all the babies out there who were having (myofunctional) difficulties, there were children and adults too. I then realised that these children and adults were often dealing with these issues as babies - it's a cycle of dysfunction

Bridget Ingle, RN, RM, IBCLC, discussing the need for early intervention
RN, RM, IBCLC, discussing the need for early intervention

A lot more people are becoming aware that mouth breathing is an issue... we as humans, are ideally, nose breathers.

Dr Mary Bourke, Chiropractor and Myo Munchee CEO
Chiropractor and Myo Munchee CEO

At any Age and any Stage, Myo Munchee can support you on your life's journey

Pacifiers, dummies, thumbs ..... What's all the fuss?

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Tongue tied

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Special Needs

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Baby Boomers and beyond

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Download your free copy of our eBook 'Why Children Must Chew'

“I can have a much greater impact using the Munchee. It is very, very easy to incorporate into what people are already doing - it's the missing link”

Dr. Dan Hanson
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“This has actually worked for's definitely been the best thing I've put in his mouth, for sure!”

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“We're so happy with the Munchee, we couldn't believe it only took about four weeks”

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“The Munchee is the perfect tool for helping to normalise chewing: a key clinical goal for any health practitioner working with upper airway.”

Sharon Moore
Speech and language pathologist and author of Sleep Wrecked Kids
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“They love the Munchees.”

Tina & Twins
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“Now that I have a Munchee there's far less need to suck a dummy now”

Arlo & Able
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" something so simple, can make a difference?!"

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More About Munchee

How do I use a Munchee

Watch this video to find out the most important movements for chewing a Munchee

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  • Why is chewing important for babies?

    Chewing is a milestone that needs to be activated – this should be ready for stimulation by around 4- 5months (chew toys are perfect for this age group before commencing on solids). Chewing assists in the development of jaw, palate and facial structures in babies and children – with 80% of facial growth taking place in the first 4 years of life – let’s make sure that growth is optimal. Chewing a Munchee can be a wonderful way for babies and children to activate their optimal chewing patterns and function.

  • How can I encourage my baby to use their Munchee?

    Attempting to keep a baby engaged can seem like a huge feat. However, it really comes down to many, very short, positive, and fun interactions throughout the day - this is how people are finding success with young ones – it hopefully then becomes habit and second nature.

    Excited, encouraging, positive reinforcement and very “over the top” reactions when they use it, can have positive results also. It can be super helpful to incorporate it into routine activities such as reading/tv time, bath time, travelling in the car/pram, etc., as well as dipping it into things like sauerkraut brine, coconut kefir and vegetable/fruit purees, so they associate it with tastes they like.

    Plus there is also modelling…when a parent or older sibling is using their Munchee, a baby will often happily engage with their own Munchee too.

    Tiny moments with the Myo Munchee Bebe, can have big impacts on your baby’s oral health development and function.

    Try to ensure Munchee time is always fun, offered often but never forced.

  • Why would a baby with no signs of dysfunction require a Myo Munchee?

    The natural growth forces generated from correct chewing make a big contribution to growing faces. Chewing has been linked to facial development, correct swallow, normal digestion and even concentration and memory. Active use of a Munchee everyday helps keep the body’s natural chewing function on track!

  • What are some signs that your little one may benefit from chewing a Munchee?

    • Issues with dribbling and drooling
    • Mouth breathing in the daytime or when asleep
    • Messy eating
    • Misaligned teeth
    • Ear and sinus congestion
    • Teeth clenching and grinding
    • Thumb sucking or pacifier/dummy use