Myo Munchee is for every stage and every age
Our goal is to provide education to the public and practitioners about the long term impacts of poor oral health, lifestyle and underdeveloped jaws and how they affect future well being.
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“I can have a much greater impact using the Munchee. It is very, very easy to incorporate into what people are already doing - it's the missing link” Dr. Dan Hanson Dentist
“I can have a much greater impact using the Munchee. It is very, very easy to incorporate into what people are already doing - it's the missing link”
“This has actually worked for's definitely been the best thing I've put in his mouth, for sure!” Rebecca Parent
“This has actually worked for's definitely been the best thing I've put in his mouth, for sure!”
“We're so happy with the Munchee, we couldn't believe it only took about four weeks” Marnie Parent
“We're so happy with the Munchee, we couldn't believe it only took about four weeks”
“The Munchee is the perfect tool for helping to normalise chewing: a key clinical goal for any health practitioner working with upper airway.” Sharon Moore Speech and language pathologist and author of Sleep Wrecked Kids
“The Munchee is the perfect tool for helping to normalise chewing: a key clinical goal for any health practitioner working with upper airway.”
“They love the Munchees.” Tina & Twins Parent
“They love the Munchees.”
“Now that I have a Munchee there's far less need to suck a dummy now” Arlo & Able
“Now that I have a Munchee there's far less need to suck a dummy now”
" something so simple, can make a difference?!" Andrew Parent
" something so simple, can make a difference?!"