I was born with a rare deformity where there are no connecting tissues between my bones and the bones in my skull, while growing together, never properly fused. As a result my skeleton twisted and got warped more and more as I aged. There was nothing orthodox medicine or even Chiropractic therapy could do for me; I thought I’d be paralysed by my early twenties, if not dead, due to the fact that my bones were crushing my chest, throat and nasal passages more and more. Then I was fortunate enough to be introduced to the Munchee by the second Chiropractor I went to and, with diligently using it over these years, I was able to slowly build up my body’s muscle structure, to the point where it has taken over the job of adding the stability to my skeletal frame that nature had left me so sorely lacking. The unique design of the Munchee ensured not only that the integrity of my skeletal structure was now sound but also that the bones were gently guided into their proper positions while doing it. While it is usually used in a trite and clique way, I can honestly say that the Munchee has saved my life and continues to ensure improvements in my overall health to this very day. One of the other problems I have with my condition is that I have sensitive skin in my mouth that not only damages really easily (my gum has been slit open by just being slightly brushed with a toothbrush bristle) but also can react to everyday substances normal people have no problem with, yet I have tried both versions of the Munchee and had no ill effects either from their motion within the mouth or the compounds they are made from.
I would just like to add that the quality of the Munchee has never wavered over the 20 plus years I’ve been using them and that Marcia and the rest of the staff are always helpful, pleasant and, above all, very dependable; they are a joy to deal with and nothing is ever too much trouble for them, no matter how busy they are.
—- Monica Chapman (aged 38)
I have a long standing TMJ problem with a misaligned jaw which presents me with many musculoskeletal difficulties.
I have been using the MYO appliance for more than a decade and can honestly say that this is a prop without which I cannot easily function in day to day life - I would be unable to sleep properly would be presented with joint pain and would be unable to focus visually and concentrate and before I obtained the MYO I lived in a 'mind and energy fog'
Quite simply the MYO MUNCHEE trains my jaw back to its preferred position in a gentle manner and prevents the undoing of my wellbeing which teeth grinding would otherwise bring into play.
The MYO MUNCHEE is also very effective in reducing stress both within the jaw and within the body more generally- it also alleviates headaches
In all this time I couldn't 'imagine being without this invaluable aid which is why I go to the lengths of obtaining the MYO MUNCHEE all the way across the world.
Best wishes, Paul (United Kingdom)

“My son Jason finally agreed to give up his pacifier at 3 years and 4 months old. He was only using it at night and nap time, but his teeth were flared so much from years of pacifier use. He also has a tongue tie, so I know oral formation is very important in these young years. We introduced the Munchee the day the pacifier went away. He uses it at bedtime during books, started with 5 minutes, then increased to all of book time, so sometimes 25 minutes. These photos are 2 months apart. His big sister is also using a Munchee so they love going to get theirs together and munching away! I think the Munchee helped him transition out of the pacifier because it does the job to soothe him as he is preparing for bed. I can’t wait to see the continued results.”
Emily Kathryn, parent
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