
Our goal is to provide education to the public and practitioners about the long term impacts of poor oral health, lifestyle and underdeveloped jaws and how they affect future well being.

Sizing your Myo Munchee is a combination between age, inter-canine width and development stage
Myo Munchee BEBE
6-18 months
N/a use age guide

Suitable for all babies from 6 to 18 months old.

If your baby is on the cusp of 18 months it is best to start with the Bebe and move on to the Mini after six months of Bebe use.

Myo Munchee Bebe is only available through a practitioner. Click here to find a Munchee Certified Practitioner near you or contact us at [email protected].

Myo Munchee MINI
18 months- 4 years
N/a use age guide

Suitable for children from 18 months old and can include children up to 5 years old if their jaw width is narrow and they have a history of:

  • - lip or tongue tie,
  • - mouth breathing,
  • - food avoidance, or
  • - picky eating.
Myo Munchee JUNIOR
4-8 years
Inter-canine width: 30 - 35mm

To take the inter-canine width, please measure the straight line distance between the top two pointy teeth, tip to tip.

Suitable for children from 4 to 8 years but can include 9 year olds who may have a mouth breathing habit, low oral tone, tooth crowding and/or lip/tongue tie which has impacted their jaw width and resulted in a more narrow jaw.

Myo Munchee TWEEN
8–14 yrs & adults with narrow jaw structure
Inter-canine width: 33 - 37mm

To take the inter-canine width, please measure the straight line distance between the top two pointy teeth, tip to tip.

Designed for children from 8 years old with molar pads that can be removed for a comfortable fit if their 12 year old molars haven’t come in.

It may also be the most suitable size for an older teenager who has crowding and low oral tone, low tongue posture^ and/or a history of lip/tongue tie.

Transition from Tween to Adult is usually between 12-14 years.

Myo Munchee ADULT
From 14+ years
Inter-canine width: 35 - 40mm

To take the inter-canine width, please measure the straight line distance between the top two pointy teeth, tip to tip.

Suitable for most adults and accommodates people from 12 to 14 years of age.

Myo Munchee BEBE
6-18 months

Suitable for all babies from 6 to 18 months old.

If your baby is on the cusp of 18 months it is best to start with the Bebe and move on to the Mini after six months of Bebe use.

Myo Munchee Bebe is only available through a practitioner. Click here to find a Munchee Certified Practitioner near you or contact us at [email protected].

Myo Munchee MINI
18 months- 4 years

Suitable for children from 18 months old and can include children up to 5 years old if their jaw width is narrow and they have a history of:

  • - lip or tongue tie,
  • - mouth breathing,
  • - food avoidance, or
  • - picky eating.
Myo Munchee JUNIOR
4-8 years

Suitable for children from 4 to 8 years but can include 9 year olds who may have a mouth breathing habit, low oral tone, tooth crowding and/or lip/tongue tie which has impacted their jaw width and resulted in a more narrow jaw.

Myo Munchee TWEEN
8–14 yrs & adults with narrow jaw structure

Designed for children from 8 years old with molar pads that can be removed for a comfortable fit if their 12 year old molars haven’t come in.

It may also be the most suitable size for an older teenager who has crowding and low oral tone, low tongue posture^ and/or a history of lip/tongue tie.

Transition from Tween to Adult is usually between 12-14 years.

Myo Munchee ADULT
From 14+ years

Suitable for most adults and accommodates people from 12 to 14 years of age.

Please refer to the Myo Munchee Device Inter-Canine Width Measurement chart below, to confirm suitability for this size.

Factors to consider
when choosing your Munchee!

Use the sizing chart and measure the inter-canine width, as a general guide, along with the below considerations...

Body Size

Are they big or small for their age? Do their jaws match in with their overall size?

Jaw size

Narrow palate, crooked teeth, history of tongue-tie? This person will be better to start with a smaller appliance and transition to the next size once they are very comfortable.

Overall Tone

Do they have evidence of low tone? Do they have trouble keeping their lips together when eating? Are they dribbling or drooling? Do they have low tone in their body as well? Start with a smaller size to ensure they can manage, and then transition to the next size once they have achieved comfortable lip competence.

Have they used a Munchee before?

If they are confident and experienced with a Munchee, then we would recommend they use the bigger size for their age range.

Does your child have special needs?

It is best to begin with a smaller size to make the introduction and management of the Munchee easier and more comfortable.

Low oral tone - Weak lips, tongue or cheeks, you may see this as dribbling/drooling.

Low tongue posture - Is the tongue resting on the floor of the mouth? It should rest on the roof of the mouth.

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