
Our goal is to provide education to the public and practitioners about the long term impacts of poor oral health, lifestyle and underdeveloped jaws and how they affect future well being.

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Ankyloglossia, commonly known as “tongue tie”, is a congenital abnormality resulting in reduced tongue mobility and/or range of motion due to an unusually short, thick lingual frenulum (the stretchy band of skin under the tongue).

Treatment of ankyloglossia has become controversial in recent times due to a sharp rise in the number of cases undergoing procedures for the condition at various ages.

It is important to work with a practitioner who has a thorough understanding and experience of ankyloglossia.

In cases of tongue restriction, active use of the Munchee can assist tongue and saliva control via training muscles of mastication and swallow.

Active use of the Myo Munchee promotes improved function of chewing and swallowing with mouth closed. This assists the processing of food and drink which is often more difficult for those with tongue tie. Munchee can be a useful as a tool for pre and post frenectomy or frenuloplasty (when the tongue tie is cut or lasered).

Chewing stimulates and integrates many cranial nerves which contributes to sensory and motor control of the tongue.

If you choose to use a Myo Munchee, active use is best suited for those with tongue restriction.

Many individuals with tongue restriction can have strong gag reflexes so it is best to start by using the Myo Munchee passively at the beginning.

Myofunctional therapy is very important for these cases to help restore movement and function around the restriction

Working with a manual therapist who has a thorough understanding of ankyloglossia and the implications of the restrictions on the soft tissue can be highly beneficial.