Munchee University - Bebe Protocols
The Bebe Protocols gives practitioners, working in the 0-2 years space, the tools and understanding to facilitate optimal outcomes and development. In a world where "normal" development is often far from ideal, these protocols will give you the awareness of which factors indicate if a child's oral development is on track. If we have a thorough understanding of what ideal looks like, we are then able to detect issues and correct them earlier; the earlier we can detect a developmental problem, the more likely we are able to shift the trajectory and get them back on track!
With over 6 hours of video content, including presentations from Dr Mary Bourke, Dr Jenna Davis, Dr Lynda Dean-Duru and Bridget Ingle, along with a Bebe Protocols Manual and workbook - using common language and understanding to allow for easily transferable information across a broad spectrum of professions, the Bebe Protocols are a MUST for any practitioner working in the infant space!
Once you have completed the necessary course components and exam, you are then listed on our practitioner listing page as a “Bebe Certified Myo Munchee Practitioner”. This page is creating referral pathways for the general public with our “Munchee Certified” community, and also connecting our practitioners with one another. This assists with creating localised hubs of like-minded practitioners and therapists, working collaboratively, to achieve the best possible patient outcomes. That’s the #muncheemovement.
You will then also receive a monthly invite to our Certified Advanced sessions, where Dr Mary hosts presentations from experts in their field. Past presenters include Dr Darick Nordstrum, DDS, inventor of the ALF, Sharon Moore, SLP, author of ‘Sleep Wrecked Kids’, Dr Dan Hanson, on Functional Breathing, Dr Charlie Beck, Osteopath, on Biologic Laws and why the Munchee works.
Purchase NowThe Bebe Protocols
Module 1: Introduction to The Bebe Protocols - Dr Mary Bourke, Chiropractor & Myo Munchee CEO
- A closer look at the Bebe and its development
- Why we need to start early
- Primitive Reflexes
- Suck-Swallow-Breathe Synchrony
Module 2: Oral Motor Milestones and Body Postural Development and Function - Dr Mary Bourke, Chiropractor and Myo Munchee CEO
- The Motor Milestones
- Vagal tone in babies
- Epigenetics and influencing factors
- Developmental guide 0-18 months
Module 3: Bebe Protocols for Use - Dr Mary Bourke, Chiropractor & Myo Munchee CEO
- Pacifiers...what's the verdict?
- Navigating oral dysfunction
- Bebe Protocols for use
- Conditions for Use
Module 3 BONUS CONTENT: Biologic Laws - Dr Charlie Beck
Dr Charlie Beck explains various biologic laws and how/why the Munchee works.
Module 4: Oral Function "Tongue is the SCULPTOR that CREATES the ship". Dr Jenna Davis - Chiropractor
- The tongue's role in fundamental body functions
- Clinical red flags for high tone & tension
- How to assess tongue function & vagal tone
- Functional oral examination tips
- Potential causes of infant TMJD & how to assess
- Optimal neural connections & the vagus nerve
- Reflexes, exercises & hacks
- Bebe use, examples & putting all the pieces together
Module 5: Bebe Protocols from the Paediatric Dental Perspective - a C.A.R.E. approach - Dr Lynda Dean-Duru, Board Certified Paediatric Dentist
- The vital role paediatric dentists have to play in optimal oral development
- What is the C.A.R.E. approach?
- Paediatric Dental assessments
- The importance of taking a comprehensive history
- What does early intervention look like?
- The significance of collaboration amongst practitioners, & educating parents
Module 6: Orofacial Development and the Subtleties of Early Oral Dysfunction - Bridget Ingle, IBCLC
- Common issues that babies are presenting with today
- What does ideal look like in a baby's mouth
- The tongue - a formidable force
- Breastfeeding - the highly tuned symphony of balance
- Warning signs of oral dysfunction at birth, 3-months & 6-months
- Bebe features that assist & stimulate correct tongue, lip & jaw posture
- What it may indicate if a baby refuses the Bebe
- How the Bebe might alleviate congestion or promote lymph drainage
Module 6 BONUS CONTENT:The Impact of Dummies/Pacifiers - Natalie Ebrill, Sleep Consultant
Dr Mary Bourke discusses the impact dummies/pacifiers can have on oral development, dysfunction, communication and sleep, with sleep consultant, Natalie Ebrill.
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